Losing my mind… 

I have found that this is my safe haven to write,  bitch,  vent.  Pretty much anything. So due to the fact that it is 3:22am and I am still wide awake is horrible. Insomnia is seriously the devil.  It’s my kryptonite. Year and a half ago I was told my c5 and c6 in my neck were buldging and herniated. Started out with massage therapy.. Didn’t work,  went and had trigger point injections done,  had a spinal injection done.  Now they have me taking lyrica, couple muscle relaxers on top of my normal medication.  So,  now I have to go to Syracuse NY to see and orthopedic surgeon. For those that aren’t familiar with NY, I live about an hour and 15 minutes from my doctor.  But if you want the best sometimes you have to sacrifice. 

All I want is to have my son,  hold him kiss him touch him.  Life is too precious… Don’t ever go to bed mad, fix it!  Tell your girlfriend /boyfriend  wife /husband  no matter what that you love them. 

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